Punjab Officially Announces 3 Holidays for Schools [In full Details]

Punjab Officially Announces 3 Holidays for Schools

In light of the current air quality, the Punjab government has formally announced three weekly holidays for public and private schools in Lahore. We will continue to observe the three days off per week until we hear otherwise.

The School Education Department (SED) has announced that all Lahore schools, both public and private, will be closed every Friday and Saturday. In this case, the Sunday holiday is the third day off.

This comes after the Lahore High Court (LHC) yesterday ordered the Punjab government to announce that all public and private schools in the province would be closed for three days each week until the smog cleared.

Govt of the punja school education departments

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Justice Shahid Kareem of the LHC voiced his strong disapproval of the provincial government’s efforts to reduce smog during a case hearing about the pervasive smog in Punjab, especially in Lahore, and its devastating effects on the citizens.

And in Punjab, CM Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has declared a state of environmental emergency. The news emerges as smog levels in the province continue to rise.

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Smog-causing activities like stubble burning, brick kilns, and smoke-emitting vehicles have been ordered to be curbed by the Chief Minister of Punjab. He gave orders for the anti-smog team to strictly adhere to these guidelines.


I will hope you are satisfied decision of govt In light of the current air quality, the Punjab government has formally announced three weekly holidays for public and private schools in Lahore. Thank you For reading.

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