Rising Paper Prices Delay New School Year in Punjab

Rising Paper Prices Delay New School Year in Punjab

A delay in printing textbooks would cause the start of the upcoming school year in Punjab to be delayed. 

A shortage of funds at the Printing Press is reportedly to blame for the delay in sending textbooks to classrooms.

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This has delayed the release of the student schedule by the Punjab Examination Commission. 

To address the problem, authorities are thinking about moving the annual exams to May and starting the new school year in August.

The Punjab Teachers’ Association is concerned about the delay this will cause.

In the start  of the new school year and has asked the interim government to intervene.

Relatedly, Malik Abrar Hussain, Central President of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges.

Association (APPSCA), made a pitch for government support for the private education sector during a programme at a private college in Dhamial Campus.

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